In-Game Information

Player Commands

/vote* - Start a server vote. Majority wins!

*backup - Have the sever complete a full backup

*clear - Clear the weather

*daytime - Set the time to day

*Legendary - Possibly spawn a random Legendary (if one hasn't spawned too recently)

*night - Set the time to night

*noon - Set the time to noon

*rain - Set the weather to rain/snow

example commands: "/vote daytime", "/vote night", "/vote backup", etc

/list - Lists all the players on the server currently

/msg - Message other players in the game.

/evs - Lists the current EVs of a Pokémon in your party. (ex: "/evs 3" will list the EV's of the Pokémon in the 3rd slot on your party.

/pokeheal - Heal all the Pokémon in your party

/pokecolor - Change the name (nickname) of your Pokémon. After command, you will put the slot of the Pokémon on the team and the desired nickname. (ex: "/pokecolor 3 Ninja" will give the name "Ninja" to the Pokémon in the 3rd slot on your party.

/pokegift - Gift one of the Pokemon on your party to someone. (/pokegift <player's name receiving gift> <# slot in your party> , ex: /Pokegift SNGPunisher 3 - this will gift SNGPunisher the pokemon in my 3rd slot in my party).

/checkspawns - Lists all the Pokémon that will spawn near you and the chances of them spawning.

/checkspawns legendary - Lists all the Legendary Pokémon that can spawn in that area and the chances of them spawning.

/rtp - Sends a request to be teleport to someone's location.

/wiki - Will display information on Pokémon and where to find them.

/help - will display all the commands available to you.

Pokémon Palettes

Alter Form

Alter Pokémon are special textures Pokémon that spawn in their respective biomes under certain conditions.

Ashen Form

Ashen Pokémon are special textures Pokémon themed with most having a gray with red or pink coloration.

Drowned Form

Drowned Pokémon are special textures that can only be obtainable within the Drowned World.

Pokémon included:

Claydol, Flygon, Finneon, Gyarados, Lugia, Lumineon, Kingdra, Octillery, Omastar, Pikachu, Pyukumuku, Qwilfish, Rapidash, Relicanth, Remoraid, Sableye, Starmie, and Tentacruel.

JUMP! Form

JUMP! Form Pokémon are special skins that can only be obtainable via fishing with an appraised Old Rod, Good Rod, or Super Rod, depending on the species' requirements.

Old Fisherman#Clobbopus with 8 skinned JUMP variants.

Old Fisherman#Magikarp with 32 skinned JUMP variants.

Old Fisherman#Shellos with 12 skinned JUMP variants

Old Fisherman#Spheal with 9 skinned variants.

  • The Molten Salt JUMP! Slugma are also included as JUMP forms for the Fishing Log.

Molten Salt JUMP!

The Molten Salt JUMP! Forms are special textures that are in theme of chemical compounds of science. The set includes 8 different forms of Slugma when fished up by an appraised Old Rod or Good Rod, and when a Magby is in the same party as Slugma, it will evolve into the matching compound of Magmar.

Pink Form

Pink form Pokémon are special skins themed off of an episode in the Pokémon Anime where whenever a Pokémon eats a special berry, they turn pink.

Rainbow Form

Rainbow Pokémon are special textures that are obtained by right-clicking one of these listed Pokémon with a Rainbow Wing. Rainbow Wing has a 20% chance of being held by Ho-oh when caught.

Pokémon included:


Beautifly, Crawdaunt, Cresselia, Dustox, Feebas, Ho-Oh, Infernape, Kecleon, Milotic, Ponyta, Rapidash, Skarmory, and Weavile.

  • Ho-Oh, Ponyta, and Rapidash also have special Rainbow textures for their shiny forms as well.

Shiny Form

Shiny Pokémon are Pokémon that have an unnatural coloration. The coloration can be mild, only a few shades darker or lighter than the original, or drastic. They are not to be confused with Boss Pokémon, which are tinted differently than Shiny Pokémon and cannot be caught. Each Pokémon has a very rare chance of being Shiny, and Shiny Pokémon are much sought after for their unique look and rarity.

A Shiny coloration gives no advantage in battle, with the effect being purely cosmetic. A Shiny Pokémon will emit particles and have a star under its level while in battle with a trainer. Shinies will have a golden name tag as well. Wild Shiny Pokémon will not engage in battle with other wild Pokémon.

If two breeding Pokémon have differing original Trainers, their Eggs have double the normal chance of hatching into Shiny Pokémon. You can also increase the chance of Shiny Pokemon appearing by using a Shiny Charm, increasing the chance of them appearing from. Another way to increase shinies appearing is to use a Weak Shiny Lure for a 1.22x shiny multiplier, or a Strong Shiny Lure for a 1.73x shiny multiplier.

Spirit Form

Spirit Pokémon are special textures that can spawn in graveyard structures, (during any Time, in any Biome that a graveyard structure appears), or rarely in the Biomes listed below, exclusively during Midnight in Ultra Space.

Strike Form

Strike Pokémon are special textures that only spawn during Thunderstorms (Stormy Weather).

Valencian Form

Valencian Forms are special textures themed on an island in the Pokémon Anime that had altered colored Pokémon.

Valentine's Form

These Pokémon all have Valentine's special texture. To obtain these special textures, these Pokémon need to be caught between February 14th - 20th in a Love Ball, this uses system time, or server time if applicable. Each Valentine's Day Pokémon has a special shiny texture.

Zombie Form

Zombie Pokémon have a special texture with very specific requirements and Pokémon listed below. If a Pokémon were to Mega Evolve with a Zombie texture, the texture will be temporarily lost.

Pokémon included:

Arcanine, Blastoise, Blaziken, Charizard, Chesnaught, Delphox, Ditto, Emboar, Empoleon, Feraligatr, Greninja, Infernape, Meganium, Sableye, Samurott, Sceptile, Serperior, Swampert, Torterra, Typhlosion, and Venusaur.

Requirements to obtain these special textures:

  • The time is night.

  • There is a full moon.

  • The light level at the Pokémon's position is at least 12

  • There are no blocks over the Pokémon.

If all of the above conditions are met, right clicking on the Pokémon with a carved pumpkin will convert it into its zombie-themed special texture.

Christmas Form

Special Forms

Crystal Onix

Crystal Onix is a special texture for Onix, based off of the Crystal Onix from the Pokémon anime.

Alien Celebi

The special texture for Alien Celebi's skin is based off of Zim from Invader Zim.

Obtained by catching Celebi in a Beast Ball See Legendary Pokémon#Spawning for more info.

Amoonguss Sus

Amoonguss Sus is a special texture for Amoonguss, based off of the popular game "Among Us." You can obtain the different forms by evolving a Foongus with an Eject Button held item. It will evolve randomly into 1 of the 20 different forms.

Crystal Steelix

Obtainable by trading Crystal Onix while holding a Metal Coat.

  • If Crystal Steelix is Mega Evolved, it will temporarily lose the crystal special texture.

Deoxsus Sus

Deoxsus Sus is a special texture for Deoxys, based on the popular game "Among Us." This special texture is currently unobtainable outside of commands.

Halloween Ivysaur

Halloween Ivysaur is a special texture for Ivysaur, where it's body is dark grey with a skeleton pattern, and the bulb on it's back is replaced with a jack-o'-lantern, containing a lit candle.

  • If evolved, it will lose this form.

SNG Form

Our gift to those who donate to help the server. Each palette for each Pokémon was made after a member of the SNG Family. **Available through donation only**

SNG Sylveon - Supergirl

SNG Umbreon - Punisher

SNG Mega Absol - Sylvanas

SNG Rufflet -

Mr. Stark

SNG Pikachu - Wonder Woman

SNG Eevee - Ochaco